01 February 2011

Poem for a Winter's Day

I was emailed the following poem. It seems to reflect my experience here in beautiful British Columbia:
It's winter here in Canada
The gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour
While it's thirty-five below.

Oh, how I love Canada!
When the snow's up to your butt
You take a breath of fresh air
And your nose gets frozen shut.

Oh, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around...
I could never leave Canada:
I'm frozen to the ground!

A moderately detailed search for the author turned up several different versions, many originating in locations from within the U.S. (It appears that Canada hasn't quite cornered the market on cold weather!): Kansas, Nebraska, Ohio, New Jersey, and so forth. Unfortunately, I was unable to ferret out the original or its author. Can anyone help?

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